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A challenge is a managed learning campaign targeted at learner groups with specific outcomes. A challenge is a set of engagement tasks which learners must complete before a deadline to be eligible for rewards. Challenges consist of learning, teaching and sharing criteria. Rewards can be set as bonus points, tangible items or a combination of both.


Learner Experience

Learners access challenges from the left menu on the home page.

Selecting the View button will direct learners to the challenge. Below is an example of a challenge.

  1. Title of the challenge.
  2. The details of the challenge. This section is populated from the overview section of the catalogue item.
  3. Details of the reward.
    • Point reward
    • Tangible reward
  4. A link to join the challenge. Once a learner has joined the challenge, this button will change to .
  5. The date and time when the challenge must be completed.
  6. A summary of the learners progress for each criteria. Learn items can be accessed from here.
  7. The section to view and add comments.

Once a learner has joined, a leaderboard will be displayed next to the challenge reward.


Users can discuss the challenge in the comments section.

  1. Post new comments here.
  2. View the number of existing comments.
  3. Sort comments by Most Recent and Most Likes.
  4. Learners can only edit and delete their own comments. Administrators can edit or delete the comments of other users.
  5. Like comments by selecting the  icon.

Create a Challenge

Browse to Manage Learning > Manage Learning Assets.

  1. Select Add Learning Asset.

  1. Select New Challenge.

  1. Enter a Name.
    The identifier will automatically populate.
  2. Enter an Approx Duration (Minutes) (optional).

What type of reward will be associated with this Challenge?

There are two types of awards available for learners when they complete the challenge:

  • Points which will be added to learners’ social learning profile.
  • Tangible reward such as an Apple iPad or a travel voucher.

You can use either one or both reward types for your challenge. In the below example we have used both, 50 points and a tangible reward of an iPad.

Feedback will be provided when hovering over the points.

  1. Select the type of reward to be associated with the challenge.
    On selection of either reward type, additional fields will become available.

Define learning engagement

You will need to include one or more learning assets for learners to complete to be eligible for the associated rewards. The items added here will appear under the Learn Engagement heading.

  1. Select learning item.

There are other optional settings which we have covered below but this is enough information to save your challenge. The system will provide you with feedback if there are any outstanding items.

  1. Select Save Challenge.

Define teaching engagement

Teaching engagements are items added by learners using add & share. You can read more about this feature in our document on add & share.

Teaching engagements will appear under the Teach Engagement heading

If you select Must Contribute an Item, an additional field will be displayed where you will enter information or instructions. Setting this requirement means that in order to be eligible for rewards, a learner must add and share an item.

The three other options are available to set requirements for other learners to complete, rate and share the item in order for the contributor to be eligible for the associated rewards.

Define sharing engagement

Sharing engagements set requirements for learners to comment on and like catalogue items.

Sharing engagements will appear under the Share Engagement heading.

  • Post a comment on each item when completed will set a requirement for the learner undertaking the challenge to comment on a catalogue item.
  • Comments must be liked will set a requirement for other learners to like the comment of the learner undertaking the challenge.
  • Are all items required to be rated by the user? will set a requirement for the learner undertaking the challenge to rate all catalogue items.

Define survey component

Surveys are optional. If you would like your users to complete a survey as part of a challenge then you will need to create a survey first. You can find out more about this topic in our document on surveys.
If Submitted responses are visible to challenge participants is selected, additional options will be displayed.

  • Define survey ‘Teach’ engagement will set a requirement for other learners to rate and comment on the response of the learner undertaking the challenge.
  • Define survey ‘Share’ engagement will set a requirement for the learner undertaking the challenge to rate and comment on another learner’s response.

Challenge deadline

The date and time set here will determine when learners must complete the challenge by to be eligible for the associated rewards.

Add the challenge to a catalogue item

As with all learning assets, challenges need to be added to catalogue items in order to be made available to learners. Enter a good overview that includes any criteria participants need to meet to complete the challenge. You can read more about this in our document on catalogue items.

Note: Points set in the catalogue item will be ignored in favour of the points set in the challenge.


You can set a reminder email to be sent to the author of the challenge before the due date.

Navigate to Settings > Social Learning.

  1. Select the  icon in ChallengeSettings.

  1. Enter a number.
  2. Select Save.

View Progress

A progress dashboard is available to view high level stats and enrolments. The dashboard can be accessed from a couple of places.

Access the dashboard from the challenge details screen

Navigate to Manage Learning > Manage Learning Assets and open the challenge.

Select View Challenge Progress from the Actions menu.

Access the dashboard from the challenge

Open your challenge, a link to View Challenge Progress will be available at the top.

Challenge Progress

The top section of the dashboard contains high level stats

  1. The challenge deadline.
  2. The percentage of completed enrolments.
  3. The number of self enrolments.
  4. The number of admin assigned enrolments.
  5. The percentage of completed enrolments.
    Hovering over the graph will provide information for B – E.
  6. The percentage of learners who have completed the share criteria.
  7. The percentage of learners who have completed the teach criteria.
  8. The percentage of learners who have completed the learn criteria.
  9. The number of learners who have completed the share criteria.
  10. The number of learners who have completed the teach criteria.
  11. The number of learners who have completed the learn criteria.

The bottom section of the graph provides information on Enrolments.

When selecting View Criteria Completion, a popup will be displayed with a summary of that learner’s progress. The
 icon represents a completion.