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My Learning Transcript

My Learning Transcript shows the history and status of a User’s learning in the CLS. The page is reached by clicking My Learning Transcript from the Home page.

The learning transcript can be exported to a PDF by clicking Export to PDF.

The on-screen transcript shows the following:

  1. Catalogue Items which are divided into 4 tabbed sections: Completed, Incomplete, Not attempted and All.
  2. Columns can be customised but by default the following columns exist; Catalogue ItemCompletion Date and Status. The list can be sorted by any of these heading names by clicking on them.

Note that each Catalogue Item name is a link to the Learning Asset.

  1. The list can be filtered by clicking Search for My Courses, entering search terms and clicking Search.
  2. Enter search criteria to filter the list.
  3. Filter the list by the types of Learning Asset.
  4. Filter the list by setting Start and Completion dates.
  5. Filter the list by displaying only the Catalogue Items that have Points.

You can add extra information to learning transcripts by customising the learning transcript settings to add optional attributes, see Customising My Learning Transcript.

Note: If a high number of columns have been set to display on the screen, the columns in may not fit on a single page in the exported PDF.

Customising My Learning Transcript

You can customise which columns are visible a Learning Transcript.

Navigate to Settings > My Learning Transcript Settings.

Optional Attributes for Transcripts

Columns can be set to be included on the My Learning Transcript page as required. By Default only 3 columns are visible, Catalogue ItemCompleted date and Status. If additional columns are required they can be added by checking the options in Optional Attributes.

If the selections above are made, the Transcript will appear as below.

Show Points – if this is checked then the total number of Points achieved from the Catalogue Item enrolment is displayed in a single column. See the document on Continuing Professional Development for further information on the use of points.

When you check Show Points other options then become available.

Based on Tag Type – if this is also checked then there will be a separate column for the Points achieved for each Tag (category of Points).

Only Tags in my CPD – if this is checked then the transcript will only include separate Points columns for Tags that are in the User’s CPD Plan(s). This is a good option if you want to limit the number of superfluous columns in the learner’s transcript.

Institute Name

If edited, this field displays an Institute name in the exported PDF transcript. To change the name click the Change Institute Name link which will take you to Settings > String Resources. See the document on editing String Resources for the steps to make the change.

Once changed in String Resources, the text will appear in the exported PDF as highlighted below.

Include Custom Attributes

If custom attributes have been created for the Catalogue Items, they can be made to appear as one or more columns on the Transcript. See the document on creating Custom Attributes for further information.

Select the required items from the drop-down list.

New column(s) appear on the Learner’s Transcript:

Administrator Access to Transcripts

Learner transcripts can now be access by administrators from the user list screen.

Learner transcripts can also be access by administrators from the user screen.

Tag Type Columns

You can specify that one or more Tag Types are linked to a learning transcript column. Tags that are attached to the Catalogue Items and also members of these Tag Types will be displayed in that column.

Navigate to Settings > My Learning Transcript Settings > Tag Type Columns.

  1. Enter a heading for the column under Column Name.
  2. Click to select one or more Tag Types.
  3. Click the + icon to add the column.
  4. You can create a number of these Tag Type Columns. You can delete a column by clicking the minus icon that appears after you create it.

You can delete a Tag Type by clicking its cross icon.

In this example the Tag Type DemoType contains two Tags, Demo1 and Demo2. They are attached to Catalogue Items the learner has enrolled in:

PDF Transcripts

There are several extra options for learning transcripts that have been exported to PDF and hence exist outside the CLS.

Company logo

A logo can be added to the Learning Transcript PDF file. It will appear in the top left hand corner.

Steps involved:

  1. Ensure the logo is saved on your machine as a .png file.
  2. Navigate to Settings > Styles and Images > Images and Logos > Logo (Print) and click on Select a file.

  • The image will automatically be resized when it appears in the PDF transcript.
  • Select Save Skin.

You will see the logo on the top left hand side of the PDF transcript.

The learner’s name and student number

The User’s full name and student number (if you use them) automatically appears on the top right hand side of the transcript.

The date range of the transcript

If the transcript is limited by date range, that date range will appear on the top right hand side of the PDF transcript.

Sort order

All entries in the learner’s PDF transcript default to being sorted by completion date in descending order.

Other Learning

If a user completes learning outside the system but does not immediately log its completion in the system, this enrolment can be backdated in the transcript to ensure it is included in the total learning that has taken place within a certain timeframe. In effect the completion date for the actual enrolment is replaced in the transcript by the completion date that was entered for the Other Learning.

Steps involved:

Navigate to Manage Learning > Manage Learning Assets and open the Other Learning asset involved.

  • Select Edit Other Learning.
  • Select the chevron to open General Settings.
  • Select the ‘Requires Completion / Qualification Date’ tick box.

  • Select Save Other Learning.

When a User enters the required details for the Other Learning s/he is now required to enter a completion date.

It is this date that is displayed in the transcript, rather than the actual date that the enrolment in its linked Catalogue Item was completed. However, the latter is still held in the system.

You can also customise what is shown under the Description heading in the transcript. If you make sure that Show Catalogue Item Description is set in My Learning Transcript settings, then the column headed Description will now contain the text that the User entered in the Other Learning’s Learner Submission Notes rather than the text in the description field for the Catalogue Item, as would usually be the case:

Alternate Transcript Settings

This setting allows you to use a custom transcript instead of the standard Learning Transcript for users in selected Organisations, Organisation Units or Groups.

Note that the construction of a Custom Page to be used as a transcript requires advanced skills, please contact the Janison customer support team for further information.

Browse to Settings > Catalogue Item Settings.

  1. Select Alternative Transcript Settings.
  2. Select one or more entities.
  3. Select the Custom Page Associated.
  4. Select Save.

When a user in one of the nominated Organisations, Organisation Units or Groups selects Learning Transcript they will be diverted to the custom page instead of viewing the standard transcript.

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