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 Custom attributes

There are many types of custom attributes to fit different scenarios.

Here is an overview of the custom attribute types, you can read more details  by selecting the items on the left nav.

Custom Attribute TypeDescription
BooleanUsed to allow selection of  ‘true’ or ‘false’ values.
  • The required options are displayed as checkboxes with labels.
  • If the checkbox is selected by the end user, the value is ‘true’. If not selected, the value is ‘false’.

Example, adding a checkbox to the New User screen:

Custom ViewAllows custom pages to be accessed from a specified location in Janison Insights. A custom view can also serve as a data store for information from custom pages by allowing forms to display and the storage of user responses.

Example: A custom view button that displays when an Author is creating a catalogue item, allowing the Author to complete tasks on the related custom page:


A custom page can be built to fulfil many purposes and must be built before it can be used to create a custom view attribute. Generally a Janison developer will build the custom page. Please contact the Janison customer services team for more information.

DateUsed to add a date field to a system object. The end user selects the field and then chooses a date from a date picker.


Date TimeUsed to add a date and time field to a system object. The end user selects the field and then chooses a date from a date picker and a time from a time picker.


FloatUsed to add a text entry field that accepts whole numbers and floating-point numbers (those containing a decimal point) to a system object.
  • Lower and/or upper limits can be set to only allow entry of a number within the range.
  • Any specified lower or upper limit is included within the allowable range.
  • The number of decimal places the entered number is rounded to can be specified.

Example: Adding a float text entry field:

ImageUsed to add an image upload field to a system object. The following image files are supported:
  • .jpg
  • .png
  • .gif

End users select the Select file button and then browse their folders to choose an image to upload.

When the image is uploaded, it is displayed and the file name listed.

IntegerUsed to add a text entry field that accepts whole numbers to a system object.
  • Lower and/or upper limits can be set to only allow entry of a number within the range.
  • Any specified lower or upper limit is included within the allowable range.

Example: Adding an integer text entry field, with a lower limit of 2 and upper limit of 5:

ListUsed to add a drop-down list to a system object. Each list element can have a name, an identifier and a value associated with it.

Example, adding a list drop-down field to the New User screen:

MemoUsed to add a free text entry field to a system object. Similar to a ‘string’ custom attribute, but  provides a larger text entry area. The memo can be set to:
  • A plain text field with no word limit. For example:
  • A rich text field with the options to set a word limit and add default text to be shown to end users in the field. This type of field allows the end user to format their entered text. For example:
SelectionUsed to add a selection drop-down list to a system object. Similar to a list custom attribute, but without the option for having an identifier or value per list element.

Example: Adding a selection drop-down list to the New User screen:

Selection with otherUsed to add a drop-down list with an additional ‘Other’ text entry field to a system object. Essentially the same as a selection custom attribute as shown above, but allows end users to select the ‘Other’ element and enter text to create their own element.

Example: Adding a selection with other drop-down list to the New User screen.

If none of the elements suit, the user selects Other from the drop-down field:

Then enters the required text in the field that displays:

Selection from system entityUsed to add a drop-down containing a list of system entities to a system object. The system will create the list based on the settings selected when the custom attribute is created.

Example: Adding an Organisation Unit drop-down list to the User screen:

StringUsed to add a free text entry field to system object. The text can be restricted by length or a regular expression as needed. This type of custom attribute is used for the majority of metadata fields.

Example: Adding a free text entry field to the New User screen:


A regular expression (sometimes shortened to ‘regex’ or ‘regexp’), is a sequence of characters that define a pattern. More details about regular expressions can be found on the Regular-Expressions.info website.

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