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Assign learning

Assign learning is an enrolment assistant that steps you through the process of enrolling users into catalogue items and training programs. These are the steps to enrol the users in bulk.

Note that the menu items you see may differ slightly to the screen captures in this document due to variations in role configurations.

Step 1: Create a group. In step two you will add the users you wish to enrol in the training into this group.

Step 2Create users and add them to the group. This will allow you to target the relevant users when you add them to the learning.

Step 3: Run the assign learning wizard. In this step you have the options to add the relevant users to the relevant training.

Step 4: Add additional users to the group. If required after the main import, you can add individual users to the group and the system will add them to the training.

Let’s look at these steps in detail.

Step 1: Create a group

You can read about groups and group types in detail here.

Navigate to Manage People > Groups.

Select Add Group.

The New Group screen displays.

  1. Selecting an Organisation and Org Unit is optional. If you select these entities, you will be limited to only add users from these orgs and org units to the group.
  2. Select a group Type. If you need a new group type, follow the steps in our document on group types.
  3. Enter a Name for your group. The system populates the Group ID but you can change this if required.
  4. Save the new group.

Step 2: Create users and add to group

This step will create new users and add them to the group. Adding users to the group will allow you to target the relevant users when you add them to the learning in step 3.

Select Edit Group.

Select Import Users.

: Run your first import with a single test user to ensure the import runs smoothly. This also makes it easier to troubleshoot should you encounter any issues.

The Add or Synchronise users from Spreadsheet screen displays.

Download the Template and populate it with your users.

Here is an example of a template with one user, your template would contain all the users you need to add to the training.

Note: The headers that display on your template are determined by the fields you have selected in Settings > User Settings.

Scroll to the bottom of the page and select the template you’ve populated with your users and then select Import and email result.

The system will email you an import log which you can also view by selecting View Import Log.

The log provides a summary of the import.

The users in your spreadsheet will now be members of the relevant group.

Note that if users already exist in the system, you won’t need to create them and therefore you can add them using the dropdown under Users in Group.

Step 3: Run the assign learning wizard

Now that we have prepared the group, we can assign the learning to the users in the group.

Navigate to Manage Learning > Assign Learning.

The Assign Learning screen displays.

Search for the relevant training program and then select the plus icon next to the training.

The training appears under Added Content.

Select Next.

The next screen provides options to enrol users, this is where you select the group you created in step 1.

Search for the group and then select the plus icon. The system lists the members of the group but you don’t need to add them as they will be added with the group.

The group displays under Added Recipients.

Select Next.

In the next step you have the option to exclude users. In this example we’re not excluding anyone.

Select Next.

In the next step you have multiple options. You can deliver the training immediately or set a date for it to be delivered.

You also have an option to send an email notification to the recipients.

You have an option to set a due date and validity for the learning.

Optionally, select your group under Should the enrolments automatically enrol new users in these groups? Once checked, when new users get added to the selected group, they will be assigned the training you selected in the earlier step. This training will only be assigned over night, not immediately.

If you wish for the learning to be assigned immediately to new users added to the group, run through the assign learning wizard each time after you have run the group import. Leave this option unchecked.

Select Next.

The training and group you selected in the previous steps displays for you to review.

Select Finish.

A summary screen displays.

The users in the selected group will now display in your catalogue item or training program. The enrollees will receive an email notification regarding their training, with a link to access their training.

Note that this email can be customed in Settings > Message Templates. You can read more about this topic on message templates. The template is ‘Enrolment-LearnerConfirmation‘.

Administrators will also receive email notifications of successful enrolments.

Step 4: Add additional users to the group.

In step 3 we checked the box ‘Should the enrolments automatically enrol new users in these groups?

Follow the instructions in Step 2 to import additional users to the group. The system will automatically add these users to the training. This automated enrolment will not take place immediately, it could be several hours for the action to be triggered. If you wish the enrolment to take place immediately, continue to Step 3 and run the assign learning wizard.

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