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Message Templates


Message Templates are used for the automatic emails that are sent to users, for example, the welcome message for new users.

The system comes with a set of default message templates which can be customised.

Browse to Settings > Message Templates to access the templates.

Edit and Test

Templates with the scope set as global cannot be edited. It is therefore necessary to create a local version if customisation is required.

Create a local template

There may be variations to the below steps, depending on the template you are editing.

  1. Select the template you wish to edit .

  1. Select Create Local Message Template.

You will be directed to the New Message Template screen.

  1. Enter a Usage Description(optional).
  2. Optionally, set the Status.
    By default it will be set to Enabled. Other options are Disable and Do not use. Hover over  for details on these statuses.
  3. Optionally, set the Format.
    By default it will be set to HTML but can be changed to Plain Text.
  4. Enter a Subject which will appear in the subject field of the email.
  5. Enter a time in hours you would like the link  to remain valid for (optional).
  6. Edit the message. See our document on tokens for further information on this topic.
  7. Select Save Message Template.

There will now be a local version of the template available.

Send a test email

  1. Open the newly created template. You can identify it easily as the Scope will not be Global.

  1. Select Edit Message Template.

You will be directed to the Edit Message Template screen.

  1. Enter an email address.
  2. Select Send test Email.

Revert message template

You can revert the template you have edited to the original text.

  1. Open the template and select Revert Message Template.

The template will open in edit mode with the original text restored.

  1. Select Save message template.

Message Tokens

Tokens are used to insert fields such as names into the emails. In the message below, $UserFullName is a token that will personalise the email by adding a user’s name into the message.

To add tokens, open the local template in edit mode.

  1. Place your cursor at the point where you would like the token inserted.
  2. Select a token.

  1. Select Save message template.

Note that different message templates may have a different set of available tokens.

Export and Import

Message templates can be exported and imported between tenants.

  1. Open the message template and select Export Template.

A file, messageTemplates.xml, will downland to your local PC.

On the tenant you would like to import the template to, browse to Settings > Message Templates.

  1. Select Import Template from the Actions dropdown.

You will be directed to the Import Message Templates screen.

  1. Select the xml from your export.
  2. Optionally, select Overwrite The Existing Message Template.
  3. Select Import.

The steps above will export a single template. A complete set of templates can be exported by selecting Export Template from the Actions menu.