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NoteePortfolio is a new feature. If you do not see it on your site, please contact your customer support team who will give you a date when the feature will be available.

The electronic portfolio (ePortfolio) provides an interface for learners to store digital artefacts. These artefacts can be viewed and downloaded by the learner as well as administrators.


Add menu

If you have a customised menu, you will need to add the ePortfolio menu to your site.

You can view our document on customising your menu for steps on how to do this.

Portfolio Settings

The way the portfolio appears to learners and administrators can differ depending on the configurations made in the portfolio settings.

Navigate to Settings > User Settings.

  1. Select Portfolio Settings

A – The portfolio can be enabled or disabled.

B – This field sets the maximum size that the users’ ePortfolio can be across all sections including all files. The range is from 20 MB to 3 GB (3072 MB).

C – This field sets the maximum size that any given file can be uploaded in your ePortfolio.

D – Only file types that are in the global tenant settings for allowed file types will be permitted for upload. You can limit them further by only listing the required file types in this field. Possible file types are jpg,jpeg,png,gif,tif,bmp,psd,ai,avi,mp4,m4v,f4v,mov,flv,webm,ogv,oga,ogg,pdf,doc,docx,xls,xlsx,zip,7z,rar.

E – Selecting this setting will give learners an option to add additional sections.

F – Sections can be added by selecting this button. This is covered in detail below.

Add new section

Sections provide the means to categorise portfolio items.

  1. Select Add New Section.

A new section will be displayed

  1. Expand the section by selecting .

  1. Enter a Name. (no name) will change to reflect the name entered.
  2. Optionally enter a Description. The description will be visible to learners.
  3. If required repeat steps 1 to 4 to add additional sections.
  4. Select Save Settings.

Learner Experience

A – Learners access their ePortfolios from the home page of the site by selecting My ePortfolio.

B – Learners can add and edit profile images here.

C – The top field is the organisation and the bottom field the organisation unit the learner belongs to.

D – The options available in the Actions menu will differ depending on role and portfolio settings. These items are covered in detail below.

E – Files loaded to the portfolio can be located by searching. Search matches by name. Files returned will be displayed in the relevant sections.

F – The sections appear in the order they were created.

Editing profile images

When hovering over the image field, an
 icon will become visible allowing an image to be uploaded. Images can also be uploaded by dragging and dropping a file to this field.


Items appearing in the actions menu are determined by role and portfolio settings.

Edit my profile links to the Edit User screen. The role configuration will determine if users have access to this link.

My Learning links to the My Learning dashboard.

Add New Section provides learners with an option to add sections to their portfolio. The option will only be available if set by the administrator in the portfolio settings. The steps are the same as those of the administrator covered in the setup document.

Once created, buttons will be available to edit or delete sections. If a section containing user files is deleted, the files will not be deleted from the system but there will be no interface to access these files.

Adding deleting and editing items.

  1. To add a file either drag and drop or upload it to the section.
    If you Select file, you will be directed to your local PC to select one.

The Name will default to the file name but can be adjusted.

  1. If required, adjust the auto populated name.
  2. Select Save.

If the size of the file exceeds the maximum upload size set in portfolio settings, feedback will be given on the popup.

If the file name is not unique, feedback will be given on the popup.

If the file type is not one allowed in portfolio setting, feedback will be given on the popup.

An option to edit or delete a file will be displayed when hovering over it

Accessing Learner Portfolios

Administrators can view and download files in learner portfolios. They will not have the option to delete or edit files.

Navigate to Manage People > Users and select the required learner.

  1. Select View ePortfolio from the Actions menu.

The ePortfolio will be displayed.